Kanpur to launch 10 new language labs to train pupils in communication & expression

Kanpur to launch 10 new language labs to train pupils in communication & expression

This project will boost the growth of spoken English among students in city's polytechnic institutes.

Kanpur is all set to adopt a modern teaching approach in order to impart knowledge in expression, conversation and collective discussions in the English language to the students across the city's Polytechnic institutes. The Directorate of Technical Education has sanctioned about ₹1.75 crores to the city, to constitute 10 new language labs to effectively further this agenda, ensuring the overall development of the pupil body.

New facilities to benefit Kanpur Polytechnic students

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According to the Directorate of Technical Education, the city is developing 10 language labs to promote the growth of spoken English among students in Kanpur. Each lab will be equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to help students brush up on their communicative skills, which will yield benefits in both, academic and professional forums.

Each lab will have high-speed internet facility, opening a whole new dimension to those who don't have access to digital networks. The students will be trained through audio and visual aids, so that they can practice themselves, without supervision. Each lab will further have 25 computers installed for the advantage of the students.

The Director of Technical Education has pointed out that the language labs will help the students to develop a better personality by acquiring proficiency in a new language. Various educational programs will also be inducted through this, providing the students with an opportunity to participate and present themselves. He further pointed out that this skill set will yield maximum benefits for the students during the placement procedure.

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