Kanpur to improve town planning by solving the parking-traffic problem at popular markets places

Kanpur to improve town planning by solving the parking-traffic problem at popular markets places

KDA to establish parking lots in small plots under the Smart City Mission

The Kanpur Development Authority has come with a plan to establish an outlining roadmap in the city's popular market places to solve the rising issue of parking and consequent traffic jams, due to haphazard stationing of vehicles on the road itself. These lock-ins at market places lead to concentrated emission of fuel gases which in turn harm the customers and passer-by, creating problems in breathing.

New Parking Lots to come up in Kanpur

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Due to lack of institutionalised parking at Kanpur's market places including Sisamau, Pirod, Gumti number five, Swaroop Nagar, Lal Bungalow, Kakadev, Swaroop Nagar, Bekganj, people visiting these locations indulge in unorganised parking on the roads and pavements. This along with encroached lands by vendors and moving traffic of passer-by vehicles lead to clustered jams for several hours in the city of Kanpur.

The KDA has established three multi-level parking at the Canal Patri, Parade and Fulbagh which are one-sided parking spaces. Besides these three facilities, various small parking plots will be soon made available in the city which will bring respited to the people from the insufferably long traffic jams.

To execute this project, space for parking is being sought under Kanpur's Smart City Mission. A meeting regarding the same was presided recently in the presence of the group leader, where the search for small plots for parking lots were asked to be looked for.

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