CSIR-CDRI join hands with Aveta Biomics to develop first-in-class bone health drug
CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow, joined hands with Aveta Biomics, USA to develop a Caviunin-based first-in-class bone health drug. The announcement was made by CSIR-CDRI on January 31, 2022, via a press release. The partnership would also include patenting of the proposed composition for further clinical development and commercialization. Dr. Prof. Tapas Kumar Kundu, Director of CDRI said, “This license is a testament to the calibre of our innovative science and demonstrates the value of strong research productivity of our world-class scientists. We joined hands with Aveta Biomics given their track record of obtaining four clinical INDs of their botanical drugs for several cancer indications from the US FDA."
More about the drug & Osteoporosis
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As per the press release, globally, one in three women and one in five men over the age of 50 years suffer an osteoporotic fracture. In the United States alone, approximately 10 million people over the age of 50 years have osteoporosis and one in two women in the United States have to suffer from a fragility fracture at least once in her lifetime.
In 2019, over 178 million new fractures and 455 million prevalent cases of consequences associated with a fracture were registered globally. According to the Indian Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ISBMR), in India, 50 million Indian women suffer from osteoporosis Arthritis.
Dr. Parag G. Mehta, CEO of Aveta Biomics, USA, in the press release, said “Osteoporosis is a chronic condition requiring life-long treatment. Approved treatment duration of currently available drugs ranges from 1 to 5 years (depending on the drug) due to waning efficacy and increased risk of adverse events. Caviunin-based therapeutic has a huge potential to change the standard of care for osteoporosis. The potential benefit-risk profile is expected to be second to none with desirable efficacy and safety for long-term use”. He further added, “We are excited to bring these new drugs to the patients and pleased that we can benefit from the deep scientific know-how of the CDRI team”.
CDRI’s decade-long research to develop the first-in-class drug that is likely to modulate the host microbiome, setting new standards for treating patients with Osteoporosis. The drug, Caviunin scaffold has a targeted action that prevents bone breakdown, reduces bone turnover markers and stimulates new bone formation. The drug at its current stage show, the potential benefit-risk profile ratio to be second to none with desirable efficacy and safety for long-term use.
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