Central flood control room set up in Lucknow to reduce possibilities of floods during monsoons

Central flood control room set up in Lucknow to reduce possibilities of floods during monsoons

Control rooms to operate 24*7 for emergency situation

Amid the diffusing second-wave situation in Uttar Pradesh, the early arrival of monsoons has propelled new fears for the state. Alarmed by this, the state authorities are executing streamlined efforts to reduce the possibilities of floods and successive dangers across different areas of the territory. Amongst the steps taken till now, a central flood control room has been established in the capital city, Lucknow.

45 out of 75 state districts in the vulnerable category

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As per the information given by a government official, 60% of the total 75 districts in the state are prone to flood-like conditions in case the water level elevates. Out of these, 24 are very sensitive, 16 are sensitive while the remaining five are in the normal category. Here, it is noteworthy that the weather experts have suggested that repeated spells of a heavy downpour are expected in the state this year.

Control rooms to operate 24*7 for emergency situation

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"To reduce the impact of floods, the government has already repaired dams in vulnerable districts. Sandbags and bamboo carts, needed during flooding in sensitive places, have been stocked in sufficient quantity.", a government spokesperson stated. Under the prevention and precaution program, flood control rooms and wireless centers have been instituted. It has been stated that these centers will remain operational round the clock, seven days a week.

Additionally, guards have been stationed in vulnerable areas to keep an eye on the situation. Further, resources like generators and petromax have been increased for night surveillance. Rivers are being cleaned across the state using specialised machines and the major centers have also been equipped with CCTV cameras for sound monitoring.

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