IIM Lucknow to offer an executive programme in Data Science, in partnership with Eruditus

IIM Lucknow to offer an executive programme in Data Science, in partnership with Eruditus

Starting from March 30, this program will be carried out in a hybrid mode with live online and on-campus immersion

Joining hands with Eruditus, the Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Lucknow has launched an executive programme in data science. Spanning over a course of nine-month, this program is aimed to help learners use data science tools, techniques by using Excel and R to build a strong foundation in practical day-to-day business. Starting from March 30, this program will be carried out in a hybrid mode with live online and on-campus immersion.

Skill development programme by IIM Lucknow

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In a bid to help professionals develop skills to make data-driven decisions in real-time, IIM Lucknow has come up with a special program to enhance the managerial understanding of the tools and techniques deployed in data science and machine learning. Through this program, learners will be able to gather in-depth knowledge of data structure and analysis and understand the basics of statistics that are essential in making a strategic and effective business decision.

Talking about the program, Mohan Kannegal, CEO, India and APAC, Eruditus, said, "Data is constantly changing across the businesses and data crunching plays a significant role in the effective working of organisations by helping in implementing effective business strategies. Data science has established itself as a pre-requisite for taking effective data-driven decisions and insightful business strategies."

"The programme would enable learners gain skills to match the current industry demands and to take enhanced business decisions. The programme curriculum is designed to help learners effectively manage data science and analytical projects thereby attaining competitive edge," added the CEO.

Learners to get IIM Lucknow Executive Education Alumni Status

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According to the press release, this program is ideal for professionals who are beginning their career, business and data analyst, senior management professionals, entrepreneurs and even businessmen who want to get upskilled as per the changing times. Upon the successful completion of this executive program, a certificate of completion will be awarded to the learners. Apart from this, learners will also be eligible for the IIM Lucknow Executive Education Alumni Status as well.

IIM Lucknow's Associate Professor Prof Gaurav Garg said, "Data Science has evolved as a significant career choice in recent times with many fresh graduates as well as experienced professionals switching to data-related roles. The programme from IIM Lucknow has been specifically designed for executives looking for upskilling in the field of data science. The curriculum helps learners acquaint with the concepts of data analysis and the advanced tools and techniques to implement in different businesses scenarios. "

To know more about this programme offered by IIM Lucknow and Eruditus know more about this programme, check out the official website.

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