IKEA in India: Swedish furniture giant to open its maiden mall in Gurugram
On Tuesday, Ingka Centre for IKEA Retail announced the launch of its maiden shopping complex in India. Reportedly, the Swedish giant had earlier planned to bring its first mall in Noida, however, the plan has now been changed to push the opening of a €400 million centre in Gurugram, Haryana. The construction of the mall is said to begin in early 2022. Once ready, the IKEA Mall will bring ease to furniture shopping with its sustainable products, global designs. The venture will also open a host of employment opportunities for the locals.
IKEA to soon open two new stores in Delhi-NCR
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Entering into a new market sector in India, IKEA Retail will open a one-of-a-kind furniture mall at Gurugram. Drastically different from its previous stores in Hyderabad and Navi Mumbai, this shopping centre will pack the ease of picking sustainable and affordable furnishing and decor products.
Peter Betzel, CEO and CSO IKEA India stated that the IKEA store in Gurugram will be opened in collaboration with the Ingka Centres. The store aims to expand deeper into the Indian market, strengthening its long-term commitment plan for India. He further highlighted how IKEA India has adopted an omnichannel approach, to explore the exciting local market in India and tagged Delhi NCR to be one of its major markets in the country.
Haryana CM welcomes the decision with open arms
The Haryana Government has welcomed the move with open arms and has promised to provide complete support to the venture to relay a seamless flow of investment into the region. "The new store will meet the growing needs of consumers, making Gurugram one of the leading shopping destinations and employment hubs in the state. The IKEA Mall is further likely to cultivate Haryana for future development plans and other foreign investment", stated Haryana CM, Manohar Lal Khattar.
Meanwhile, the installation of the Noida store is also on the cards and the store here is likely to open soon after the Gurugram Mall. This is pegged to be IKEA's largest store in India, bringing an investment of ₹55 billion to UP. As of now, IKEA India has two large-format stores in the country, one each in Hyderabad and Navi Mumbai.
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