Kalka-Bindadin ki Dyodhi, a Kathak museum in memory of Pt. Birju Maharaj in Lucknow

Kalka-Bindadin ki Dyodhi, a Kathak museum in memory of Pt. Birju Maharaj in Lucknow

Kalka-Bindadin ki Dyodhi was the birthplace of one of the greatest Kathak veterans, Pt. Birju Maharaj.

Pt. Birju Maharaj’s ancestral home in Wazirganj, Lucknow was converted into a Kathak Museum by the government in 2016 at a cost of Rs 96.53 lakh. Kalka-Bindadin ki Dyodhi was the birthplace of one of the greatest Kathak veterans, Pt. Birju Maharaj. The house was given to his ancestors by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, a great patron of the arts and culture of Oudh.

A tribute to the art and the artist

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The entrance of the museum leads to a courtyard, where a three-dimensional mural of the most renowned Kathak dancer, Pt Birju Maharaj is painted over the well on the walls. The main hall is lined with framed photographs of his performances with maestros like Girija Devi and Saswati Sen. More than 60 portraits, murals, and oil paintings of Pt. Birju Maharaj while performing with several Bollywood stars is displayed in the main hall.

The family’s contribution to the art of Kathak is represented by displaying the busts of his uncles Lachchhu Maharaj and Shambhu Maharaj, and father Achchhan Maharaj. On the other side of these murals, three kiosks have also been installed for acknowledging the visitors about the family tree of Birju Maharaj, their achievements and their contribution to society and art. Among the other notable items at the museum, are a poshak (costume) of Maharaj Kalka Bindadin, an old camera of Pt. Birju Maharaj’s and his ghungroos.

The museum was home to some of the greatest artists of Kathak, like Pt. Bindadin Maharaj, Pt. Kalka Maharaj, Pt. Achan Maharaj, Pt. Shambhu Maharaj and Pt. Lachhu Maharaj. Other than this, some of the greatest film stars, Kumkum, Nargis, Gopalkrishna, and Sitara Devi also took kathak education from this Dyodhi.

History of Pt. Birju Maharaj and his achievements

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Being one of the most legendary artists of Lucknow Kalka-Bindadin Gharana, Pandit Birju Maharaj is the great-grandson of Maharaj Thakur Prasad, the Kathak guru of Awadh's last Nawab, Wajid Ali Shah. The Lucknow Gharana was established in the 19th century.
He was not only a great dancer but was also a wonderful singer with a strong grip over several music styles- Thumri, Bhajan, Dadra and Ghazals. He gave his first performance when he was seven. His constant efforts to establish Kathak as a classical art form were successful when he for the first time managed to make people take note of this dance form.

Pt. Birju Maharaj has won several honours and awards including the coveted Padma Vibhushan in 1986. He was also awarded the Kalidas Samman by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. Among other awards, he also won the Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, Sangam Kala Award and Soviet Land Nehru Award. In 2002, he was honoured with the Lata Mangeshkar Puraskaar. He further went on to win, the National Film Award for Best Choreography and Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Choreographer.

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