Onboard a flight of dreams, 16-yo girl from Lucknow bags prestigious US scholarship!

Onboard a flight of dreams, 16-yo girl from Lucknow bags prestigious US scholarship!

Daughter of a domestic help, Simran did not let her limited resources affect her determination to excel!
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Navigating through the tumults of life, 16-year-old Simran from Lucknow, has successfully turned the tables of fate by bagging a prestigious scholarship to study in the United States. The prodigious girl will fly off to America today, under the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program of the US State Department. Daughter of a domestic help, Simran did not let her limited resources affect her determination to excel and now, she is headed towards a bright and illustrious journey!

2nd girl from the state to receive this renowned scholarship

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In 2018, Simran lost her father after a period of prolonged illness but she maintained a strong will to study and move forward. A student of Class 10 at Prerna Girls School, under the banner of Study Hall Educational Foundation, she also took up a job to support her mother with the finances. Through hard times, she managed her studies and job with equal efficiency and triumphed in registering this significant feat at this young age.

Now, she is all set to leave for the US and her further studies shall be continued at West Seneca East High School in New York. As per SHEF's claim, Simran is the second girl from the state to get this scholarship. Her younger sister, Jiya is a student of class 6 in Prerna School.

On her way to big dreams & bigger achievements!

Elated with her achievement, Simran said, "This is a huge opportunity for me. I have worked hard for the scholarship and I am grateful for the support I have received from my school. I want to learn about different cultures and teach others about our Indian culture." She informed that she will get a monthly allowance of 100 USD every month during her 11-month stay in New York.

Simran's mother, Rekha Verma, said "I am very happy and proud that my daughter has been selected for this scholarship. This opportunity will take her to a brighter future." Further, Rakhi Panjwani, the principal of Prerna Girls School, said that the school takes pride in her accomplishment. Through her hard work and commitment, Simran got through the selection process and now, she is on her way to realising big dreams and even bigger wins!

- With inputs from IANS

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