Nishatganj Flyover in Lucknow to undergo repairs: Check alternate routes!

Nishatganj Flyover in Lucknow to undergo repairs: Check alternate routes!

Last year, it was also closed due to deep cracks.

The Indira Bridge in Lucknow, which connects Nishatganj to IT Crossing, will be closed for maintenance starting this week. The bridge, spanning 617 meters, was built two decades ago.

Only last year, the bridge had undergone repair, after deep cracks were reported. This bridge serves as an important route for vehicles travelling from Aliganj, Mahanagar, and Indira Nagar to IT Crossing, as well as several areas in Old Lucknow. It handles a daily traffic volume of 10,000-15,000 vehicles.

Nishatganj bridge to remain closed till May 23

The repair work on the Nishatganj bridge will begin this week and continue until May 23. During this period, the bridge will be closed for traffic. Here are the alternate routes:

  • Vehicles heading towards IT crossing from Nishatganj, can turn right, before the Indira Bridge and proceed towards Gol Market-Chhanni Lal Crossing. Then take a left turn and continue straight, turn right towards the railway crossing and proceed to the IT Crossing route.

  • Similarly, the vehicles arriving to Nishatganj from IT crossing can take a left turn before Indian Oil Pump leading to Channi Lal Crossing-Gol Market intersection and then head to Nishatganj crossing.

Nishatganj Flyover in Lucknow to undergo repairs: Check alternate routes!
Knocksense Shorts | Inspection deems Nishatganj bridge usable for light operations; to open soon

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