Over 7 lakh people vaccinated in UP on Thursday!

Over 7 lakh people vaccinated in UP on Thursday!

As per the statistics, UP takes a 10% share in the total number of doses administered across the country.

Counting seven lakh vaccinations in a day, the country's most populous state stepped ahead in the group of the most inoculated territories too. With over 3.60 crore jabs administered till Thursday, Uttar Pradesh has left Maharashtra behind in terms of COVID vaccination tallies. As per the statistics, Uttar Pradesh takes a 10% share in the total number of doses administered across the country.

1st state in the country to administer over 3 crore first doses

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According to records, the vaccination drives in Uttar Pradesh have been successful in assuring first dose immunisation of nearly 22.4% of the eligible population. In absolute terms, more than 3 crore individuals have received the first jab in the state and this makes it the first in the country to achieve this feat. The numbers on the CoWIN portal indicate that 3,04,96,595 persons have taken at least one dose while 55.27 lakh are fully vaccinated in the state.

Amid the states with maximum first dose inoculation, Uttar Pradesh is followed by Maharashtra (2.82 crore), Rajasthan(2.15 crore), Gujarat(2.11 crore) and Karnataka(2.04 crore). Among districts, Lucknow (15.64 lakh), Gautam Buddha Nagar (13.04 lakh), Ghaziabad (11.29 lakh), Meerut (10.50 lakh) and Gorakhpur (9.93 lakh) are the best performers. On the other hand, Kasganj (1.78 lakh), Lalitpur (1.86 lakh), Kaushambhi (1.98 lakh) and Aurraiya (2 lakh) are placed at the bottom of the index.

Cluster model drive the vaccination program in the state

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As per the health officials, the inoculation drives in Uttar Pradesh have been propelled by the cluster model. With effective planning and comprehensive execution, this scheme has checked all lags in terms of hampered connectivity, lack of internet facilities and other things. Deploying meticulous planning at the grassroots level, this project has enhanced the accessibility of vaccination in rural regions.

Notably, 40% of the daily vaccinations are being conducted in rural areas after the implementation of the cluster model. Additional Chief Secretary (ACS), Health and Family Welfare, Amit Mohan Prasad informed that the state has sufficient availability of vaccines in its inventories and all eligible individuals must avail of the benefit at the earliest. Further, it has been observed that citizens across the state are more aware and keen about the vaccination program now.

- With inputs from IANS

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