Para-athlete from Lucknow secures 2 medals in Egypt Open Para-Badminton tournament

Para-athlete from Lucknow secures 2 medals in Egypt Open Para-Badminton tournament

Abu Hubaida, a para-badminton player hailing from Lucknow, has now reached closer to securing a spot in the Paris Paralympics.

Bringing pride to our city, Abu Hubaida, a para-badminton player hailing from Lucknow, has now reached closer to securing a spot in the Paris Paralympics. His exceptional performance at the Egypt Open Para-Badminton tournament has secured gold and silver medals for India.

Hubaida, a seasoned para-badminton player, made his international debut in 2016, showcasing remarkable talent ever since. Hubaida's victory at the Egypt Open Para tournament is particularly awe-inspiring considering that he faced a severe injury just 12 hours before the game.

A seasoned Para athlete with several recognitions and accolades to his name

Prior to his recent triumph at the Egypt Open Para tournament, he has amassed a collection of medals in various international para tournaments, solidifying his status as a formidable athlete. Notably, his achievements were also recognized with the prestigious Laxman Award, the highest sporting honour in Uttar Pradesh, in 2021.

Additionally, the collective effort of the entire para-athlete team resulted in an outstanding tally of 31 medals for India at the Egypt Open tournament. This remarkable achievement further sets a promising tone for the upcoming Paris Paralympics later this year.

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