Scan the QR code to get last-mile connectivity info at Lucknow metro stations

Scan the QR code to get last-mile connectivity info at Lucknow metro stations

Read on to view the code, bus numbers and types, detailed routes, and frequency of the buses, among other info.

Last-mile connectivity made simpler: Scan the QR code to know all about buses at Lucknow Metro stations

Lucknowites, say hello to a smarter way of commuting through the city. Now, Lucknow Metro has stepped on an endeavour to dispense all information about link city buses so that you can step out of the metro station and board a bus without any trouble.

All you gotta do is scan the QR code given on electronic display boards installed at all metro stations, and voila! Seems easy, does it not?

Here are the bus routes, frequency, among other details

Apart from this, while travelling in the metro, you can gather valuable data from the website, app, and even give suggestions via the helpline number 1800-180-5014. You can check out the website of the Lucknow City Transport Services here.

In order to know all about the bus numbers and types, detailed routes, frequency of the buses, among other info, you can both scan the above QR code (also displayed at all Lucknow Metro stations) or study the pictures. Besides this, you'll also be able to track city buses through the Chalo application.

The step, overall, will assist all travellers in streamlining their commute and travel smarter, without much hassle.

Scan the QR code to get last-mile connectivity info at Lucknow metro stations
Vande Bharat equivalent Vande Metro to make travel easier between Lucknow and Delhi

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