New signalling system by Lucknow Traffic Police to reduce waiting time at intersections!

New signalling system by Lucknow Traffic Police to reduce waiting time at intersections!

Read on to know what's happening:

Aiming to ensure rapid vehicular movements on the city roads, the Lucknow Traffic Police has implemented a new and inventive way to regulate the traffic rush. Under this initiative, the authorities have deployed a new system for the operation of the traffic lights, wherein the colours are being changed dynamically, based on real-time traffic at the intersections. Through the observations of the CCTV cameras, the officials make a note of the situation and alter signals accordingly.

Traffic to be monitored through Integrated Traffic Management System

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Earlier, the traffic lights changed colour periodically and the vehicles had to wait, even if there was no traffic. Due to this, vehicles had to wait for long periods even after the traffic was reduced on one way. Now, the traffic load or the vehicular count on the roads is being gauged, which is further helping in determining the time period of signals.

Under the new scheme, the traffic circumstances are being monitored through CCTV cameras which are installed at major intersections in the city. The complete management is being looked after by the officials from Integrated Traffic Management System(ITMS). Connected to the traffic control room, this facility maintains surveillance round the clock. According to the authorities, the new technology has aided traffic operations at 140 intersections in the city.

Travel time to be reduced significantly

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As per DCP Traffic Rayees Akhtar, the waiting time at traffic signals is expected to be cut significantly once this system is fully operational. Besides this, travel time will also be reduced considerably as the vehicular movements will be speeded up. It is expected that the traffic administration in the city will be revamped completely after the extensive execution of the project.

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