UP attracts investment from  Singapore-based company for ₹1,100 crore data centre in Noida

UP attracts investment from  Singapore-based company for ₹1,100 crore data centre in Noida

The Greenfield Data will generate recurring investment in UP, once it kickstarts its 2nd Phase.

Uttar Pradesh has attracted yet another data-infra company to set its bases within the state boundaries. In consonance with the Union government's programme to promote the growth of the digital economy, the Uttar Pradesh government is taking various initiatives to develop independent data management systems, which are now materialising. The Singapore-based ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC) has proposed to develop a Greenfield Data Centre Campus in Uttar Pradesh's Noida district.

UP's all-new data centre to be established in Noida

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In a meeting with Additional Chief Secretary, Industrial Development, the STT GDC India representative proposed to develop the data centre campus in the first phase. This will be equipped with a critical IT capacity of 18 MW with an estimated investment of ₹600 crores. With its location in the vicinity of the industrial hub and national capital, the campus will be able to cast seamless international connectivity, stated the company official adding that the data-centre would also aid in quickly evolving the region as a major data centre hub in north India.

"In view of the web-based and digitally driven economy gaining prominence, the state government is preparing new data centre policy with the objective of creating state-of-the-art data and IT ecosystem to meet the requirements of industry, enterprises and citizens," STT GDC India representative said. A land parcel of nearly three-acre has been identified by the investors in Noida to set up the data centre campus. This would be designed to expand to 36 MW IT load data centre capacity in the second phase, with an additional investment of ₹500 crores excluding the land cost.

After the completion of the second phase, the total estimated investment would be nearly ₹1,100 crores with nearly 80 direct job opportunities and 1,000 indirect and induced employment avenues. The proposed data centre campus is aimed at providing services to major cloud players, hyper-scalers (an operator of a data centre that offers scalable cloud computing services) and large enterprise clients.

Knock Knock

UP's feasible market landscape is helping it achieve the favour of several global enterprises, however, to strengthen this the need for investment in date development and operations sector has been identified as a crucial imperative. This new development deal will not only boost investment in the state but also cultivate it for recurring investment with a better scope of urbanisation.

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