UP FSDA mandates CCTV surveillance on medical stores sellling H1 & X drugs

UP FSDA mandates CCTV surveillance on medical stores sellling H1 & X drugs

This rule has come in to put an end to drug abuse, especially in kids

In an attempt to keep citizens, especially young people away from drugs and intoxicants, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has urged the administration to ensure medical stores install CCTV cameras.

In line with this directive, the Food Safety and Drug Association has made CCTV cameras mandatory for all the pharmacies that sell schedule H1 and X medicines in Uttar Pradesh. Reportedly, strict action will be taken against those found selling these medicines without a valid doctor's prescription.

Joint Action Committee to supervise the initiative

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Under the ambit of this initiative, the administration has directed medical store owners to install CCTV cameras as soon as possible. To ensure proper adherence to this rule, a team of 14 members chaired by the District Magistrate has been formed in all the districts of Uttar Pradesh. This joint action committee will comprise of officials from the Health Department, Police Department, Social Welfare Department, FDA and Excise Department, among others.

Notably, the medicines for cancer and other chronic diseases have morphine which is often misused by people for intoxication. It has been noted that adolescents buy these drugs without prescriptions and consume them in high quantities. At present, there are around 272 types of medicines in the country that come under this category.

To put an end to this menace, the committee will keep an eye on the medical stores that sell these Schedule H1 and X drugs with the help of CCTV footage. Reportedly, the Drug Dealers Association will also chip in with its help in this initiative to fight drug abuse.

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