
Goa becomes the 1st Indian state to make digitally-signed survey plans available online!

Muskaan Tekwani

In a first across the nation, Goa has launched a service that makes digitally signed surveys available online. This aid will efficiently ease, enhance and digitise the accessibility of people's property plans. The service was launched in an inauguratory event at the Secretariat on Friday.

Digital is the way to go!

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On Friday, the directorate of settlement and land records through Goa Electronics Ltd (GEL) has provided this online survey plans in the coastal state, which will be available on https://goaonline.gov.in. The Revenue Minister highlighted the importance of upgrading and moving forward, especially in the present scenario, when the world is caught in the middle of a pandemic.

The minister further stated that the state administration is determined to provide the people with citizen-centric services while ensuring their safety.

The surveys will have a staunch digital presence and will be available to the people in the Portable Document Format (PDF). Earlier also, the department has worked in this direction and in the last couple of years they have developed online versions of several other documents. Services like these will help save the time of both, the applicant and the officer, creating a system that can be easily monitored, furnishing automated results.

Knock Knock

This service will be of great help to the locals during the current, pandemic times. The system will promote transparency, boosting the response time as well. The Goa administration should ensure a user-friendly and glitch-free interface, for the benefit of all.

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