
Journalists in Goa to be vaccinated against COVID-19 on a priority basis!

Shifa Dutt

On Wednesday, the Goa government announced that journalists are now categorized as frontline workers and they will be administered vaccines on a priority basis. Since news reporters have to be present at public arenas on a daily basis due to their line of duty, this decision will definitely steer them towards a safer side. Other states too, namely, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Odisha, Uttarakhand, amid others, have also decided to undertake the same resolution.

Working journalists labelled as frontline workers

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The Goa government mentioned that all the journalists working in the state will be designated as frontline workers. Much like the health workers, the working journalists will also be prioritized in the process of inoculation, which is currently underway.

The government made it clear that the vaccination of these workers, who are serving the public and are on the field every day, should be done as fast as possible to ensure a safer working environment for them. This would also ensure that the kins of such professionals are protected as well, from the chances of contact transmission of the virus.

Goa's COVID Update

Goa on Tuesday saw a spike in daily COVID cases with a total of 2,814 new detections along with a fast-rising number of recoveries as well. Bringing a ray of hope during this second COVID wave, Goa saw the highest number of recoveries on Tuesday, with a total of 1,870 recovered patients. Though the number of recoveries is increasing every day, the number of people lost to this devastating wave still remains high, with a total of 52 fatalities reported on Tuesday.

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