
Thunderstorm & rain in store for Goa today; IMD issues orange alert for July 30-31

Muskaan Tekwani

The monsoon spell has cast a widespread effect across Goa, washing the North and South districts with short spells of sporadic rains in the morning today. As per reports, these light to moderate showers will be accompanied by thunderstorms through the day. The showers may clock around 11.5 cm to 20.4 cm in rainfall in the next 24 hours.

IMD has also warned against very heavy downpour activity in isolated regions. Meanwhile, an orange alert has further been raised for July 30-31 amid forecasts of torrential rains.

Rain to intensify & move eastwards

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According to the forecasts by IMD, rainfall will extend till the end of this week with gusty winds up to 40-50 kmph. Both North and South Goa districts will experience these conditions, IMD's weekly report suggests. The nimbus winds will move eastwards, from Mormugao, Margao, Canacona towards Sattari and Dharbandora.

The expected intense rains are a result of low-pressure systems generating on the Indian landmass from the Bay of Bengal, weather head at IMD Pune reportedly stated. The low-pressure spot will be at its peak within the next 24 hours, strengthening the Westerlies impact. These showers will also hit the coastal areas of the Maharashtra belt too, read reports.

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fen%2Fresize%2Fnewbucket%2F1200_-%2F2021%2F07%2Fmaharashtra-floods-pti-copy-1627019611.jpg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fresize.indiatvnews.com&s=938&h=03a0a0251023351dd44305970e2ee932506237d4e7ac9686cca488279a6a62ab&size=980x&c=2888137308 photo_credit="" pin_description="" dam="0" site_id=20074994 caption="" photo_credit_src="https://resize.indiatvnews.com/en/resize/newbucket/1200_-/2021/07/maharashtra-floods-pti-copy-1627019611.jpg" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fen%252Fresize%252Fnewbucket%252F1200_-%252F2021%252F07%252Fmaharashtra-floods-pti-copy-1627019611.jpg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fresize.indiatvnews.com%26s%3D938%26h%3D03a0a0251023351dd44305970e2ee932506237d4e7ac9686cca488279a6a62ab%26size%3D980x%26c%3D2888137308%22%7D" expand=1]

Goa has been washed by extensive flooding due to persistent rainfall over the last few days. The Indian Coastal Guard (ICG) has deployed resources to aid the civil authorities in the various rescue operations in the flooded areas of the state. Disaster Relief Teams, equipped with life-saving gears, have also been deployed in affected areas informed the Defence Ministery.

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