
In a first, Goa Medical College provides 2 essential tests for COVID patients free of cost

Ankur Verma

With an objective to analyse the unprecedented rise in COVID cases seen in Goa recently, the state Health Minister Vishwajit Rane summoned a meeting of the top officials on Monday. There, the minister remarked that Goa is the first state in the country to offer D-Dimer and Interleukin 6, the two important tests for COVID-19 patients, free of cost. Reportedly, these tests are being conducted at the Goa Medical College for assessing the condition of COVID patients.

Goa Health Ministry amplifies measures for treating COVID patients

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As per reports, these tests help in identifying the dynamic situation of the COVID patients so that necessary medical interventions can be initiated. This helps in quick control of the issues regarding the patient's response to COVID-19 related cytokine storm, thereby reducing the possibility of death. By providing these essential tests free of cost, the state government ensures a higher degree of protection for the COVID-affected individuals.

The minister also conducted a review meeting with the authorities from the Health Department and GMCH Dean Shivanand Bandekar. In this meeting, the state's top officials discussed and examined the existing system in the South Goa District Hospital (SGDH). Reportedly, doctors and consultants from GMC shall pay regular visits to SGDH to increase the available healthcare facilities there.

Additionally, the Food and Drug Administration has been asked to maintain enough stocks of the Remdesivir while the production companies are instructed to keep 5,000 units with them.

476 new COVID detections take up the active tally to 4,565 in Goa

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With 4,565 active cases of the COVID virus registered on Monday, Goa is under the second wave of the pandemic. While the coastal state recorded 476 cases on Monday, the count of fatalities registered a spike of 2. Given the current circumstances, the state government's interventions are a significant measure for quick resolution of the situation.

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