
North-West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation restores bus service to Goa

Ankur Verma

As the COVID situation reverts to normalcy, inter-state transport facilities are being revived throughout the country. As per the latest developments, North-West Karnataka Road Transport Corporation restarted bus service to Goa after a long halt of 2 months. As per reports, NWKRTC officials have deployed extensive measures to ensure the safety and security of all its passengers besides making sure that COVID protocols are followed.

Negative COVID reports mandatory for the passengers

Notably, Goa travel regulations entail that the commuters must carry a negative report for a test conducted within 72 hours prior to entry into the state. While this restriction has been relaxed for certain categories of doubly vaccinated state residents and workers, the authorities are deliberating upon tweaking the protocol for all fully inoculated visitors.

Given the mutual dependencies of Karnataka and Goa, a lot of individuals commute between the two states for work-related purposes on a regular basis. Reportedly, a large count of individuals frequently travel to Goa from the Hubballi-Dharwad region but most of these travellers face difficulties in repetitive testing. Amongst many other issues, the financial burden of tests creates problems for commuters. In view of this, the authorities have intervened with a free testing facility at a designated bus stop.

COVID-appropriate behaviour, the need of the hour!

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Amid relaxing restraints, COVID-appropriated behavior is the strongest tool to mitigate the possibilities of a revived acceleration in infections. Thereby, the use of masks and sanitisers, and the practice of social distancing must be scrupulously followed by all individuals during travel.

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