
South Goa District Hospital to be upgraded into a state-of-the-art COVID-19 facility soon!

Muskaan Tekwani

The new South Goa district hospital will soon be upgraded into state-of-the-art COVID health facility, that will have modern medical facilities and tools along with ICUs and OTs. With excellent patient reviews about treatment facilities, doctors, attending staff, hygiene maintenance alike, the state is all set to boost the strengths of the hospital to shoulder the caseload with prime defence.

South Goa District Hospital gears to be the top COVID-19 hospital in Goa

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Goa's newest COVID-19 facility in the South District will soon be elevated to the status of top treatment and healthcare centre in the state. Senior Health Officials have pointed out that the work of requisitioning updated equipment is currently in the pipeline. The Health Officials have estimated a period of 2-3 months to receive all the state permissions, besides the procurement and installation of the required equipment. Until then, the ESI-Covid hospital will stand as the acting facility in Goa, while the South Goa District hospital will treat patients with mild to moderate infection of coronavirus. Post the complete up-gradation process, the hospitals will witness a role-reversal, where the new facility will treat critical patients and the ESI will host milder cases. However, no decision to transfer the Hospicio hospital to the new district hospital has been taken yet.

Tourist surge intensifies threats of COVID surge

Goa is witnessing a sharp rise in the tourist influx, despite multiple protocols at entry points. Though the state was ables to arrest infection spike post the festival of Diwali, medical expertise in Goa have recognised a sense of urgent caution ahead of tourists rise in wintertime and Christmas celebrations. Any laxity at this point can result in a spiral escalation of infection, leading to a possible second wave of coronavirus.

Though, the Health officials have highlighted Goa's improved preparedness in terms of both, state of mind and treatment infrastructure, they have also advised the people to not give into the pandemic-fatigue and keep their guards up to prevent the virus attack from any lose front.

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