
Transplantation project for corals to give a new lease of life to Goa's aquatic cover

Ankur Verma

Goa's rich aquatic life has been threatened by the extended impact of global warming. In a bid to save and preserve the corals, a distinct transplantation initiative is trying to revive the reefs hit by the effects of climate change. As stated by the reports, this project is being implemented in the adjoining waters of Grande Island for restoring the bleached corals.

Alarmed by a recent episode that bleached 80% of corals

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Home to exquisite varieties of aquatic flora and fauna, Grande island is a hub of multiple attractions for tourists. In the period between 2014 and 2017, the coral covers along the Mormugao coasts were struck by the effects of soaring temperatures. Reportedly, a study by an NIO scholar analysed that around 50% of the bleaching occurred in these 3 years. The same study mentioned that Porites corals were drastically impacted by global warming while minimal effects were noticed in Foliose Turbinaria Mesenterina.

As per reports, the founder trustee of Coastal Impact, a voluntary conglomerate working in the field of aquatic preservation informed that almost 80% of the corals were bleached in recent times. Alarmed by this, he undertook the conservation project garnering support from the state forest department. It is to be noted that this intervention was sponsored by The Habitats Trust in January 2020.

More fragments to be transplanted in 2021

Initially, two stretches of coral reefs were restored in early 2020. During the period of monsoons, one of these got damaged so the project was further executed at the other location. Though the operations got concluded in December 2020, it is important to keep an eye on the activity of the corals. Reportedly, the micro fragmentation method has been deployed for this project which has lead to quick and effective growth o the marine covers. As of now, 192 fragments have been refurbished while there are plans of transplanting more fragments in 2021.

Modern times have diverted the entire focus on measures that ensure fast-paced economic development. In such a scenario, the impact on nature is often neglected. Consequently, it becomes very important to work on interventions that guarantee a sustainable road to progress.

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