
Vintage & Classic car drive in Goa presents an exquisite variety of retro vehicles!

Ankur Verma

Delighting all lovers of heritage things in Goa, the capital city of Panaji witnessed an attractive display of vintage cars and other exemplary vehicles that have been preserved through multiple decades. Organised by Goa Vintage and Classic Vehicles Club on March 21, this event brought together a fleet of more than 50 vintage, classic and Indian heritage cars. Starting from Adil Shah Palace in Panaji, the car drive progressed to Rauraje Deshprabhu Royal Palace in Pernem.

One-of-a-kind festival with an exquisite variety of cars!

This one-of-a-kind festival of vintage vehicles was marked by the presence of a humongous count of state dwellers. While the individuals were enthralled by the exquisite variety of cars, they were also intrigued to know about the high degree of maintenance that was required to keep them in a steady and usable condition. Reportedly, the chairperson of Women in Watersports(India) mentioned that the collection also had some vehicles sourced from Karnataka. She further added that the quality of cars reflected the passion of their owners.

Highlighting the theme of 'Old is Gold'

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When we talk of 'old is gold', the initial developments in the field of automobile technology continue to charm all enthusiasts of science and engineering. Amongst them, cars are a top-notch attraction for all housing a love for vintage things. Given these facts, the car drive in Goa was a magnet for a large count of young and old people. While the attendees marveled at the royal appeal and prime exteriors of these cars, they were also fascinated by the way they have been managed by their owners through decades of history.

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