
Adhering to protocols led to 0 infections in THIS region of Rajasthan during the second wave

Sugandhaa Pandey

A small tribal cluster in Dungarpur, Rajasthan, has successfully checked the spread of the coronavirus during the second wave, as zero positive cases were reported. Further, with the threat of the predicted third wave of the pandemic still looming, the residents of this cluster have started collecting money to buy oxygen concentrators. Health officials state that this particular region in Rajasthan has set an example for others to emulate, on how to keep the virus at bay through preparedness and prevention.

Administration, core committee & residents worked together

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Four villages under the gram panchayat of Galiyakot, a part of Dungarpur district, recorded zero COVID-19 cases, even when the second wave came knocking in the neighbouring villages. This was managed by the village residents who cooperated with the administration during the tough times by wearing masks and maintained social distancing.

Further, the Chief Executive Officer of Zila Parishad stated that the village administration, core committee groups and residents worked in harmony to block the virus from penetrating the fringes of this area. The District Collector also noted that the reason for this remarkable achievement is the awareness and alacrity of the villagers to follow guidelines, read reports.

Saroda curbs the spread after 85 cases recorded

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Besides these villages, the gram panchayat of Saroda, located in Sagwara tehsil of Dungarpur, also took quick steps to check the contamination caused by this deadly contagion. When Saroda, Damorwada and Kesarpura villages, with a total population of 9,000, registered 85 positive cases, immediate action was taken to curb the spread.

A lockdown of 15 days was announced, between 3 May to 17 May, even before state authorities and government intervened. Moreover, each house was given masks, oximeters, sanitisers and streamers, apart from releasing helpline numbers and home-delivery of medical kits. A part of this distribution drive was funded by the ₹1.21 lakh raised in Saroda over a WhatsApp Group.

To check the extent of the spread of coronavirus, testing, tracing and treatment protocol was followed and door-to-door surveys were conducted. Further, 1,000 kadha packets were distributed to boost the immunity of the village residents. Now, the village panchayats are gearing up to face the predicted third wave by saving money and buying oxygen concentrators. With the combined efforts of villagers and administration, it is hoped that COVID-19 can be kept at bay, once again.

-With inputs from IANS

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