
200 PICU beds ready at Jaipur's JK Lone Hospital to battle the probable third wave!

Ankur Verma

In a bid to strengthen the state's healthcare infrastructure to deal with the anticipated third wave, medical facilities for children are being amped up across Rajasthan. As per the latest developments, 200 PICU beds have been set up at the 800-bedded JK Lone Hospital in Jaipur and 600 other beds can also be used, if required.

Sir Padampat Mother and Child Care Institute (JK Lone) and other medical centres in Jaipur are ensuring the availability of sufficient resources to mitigate the effects of the third wave.

1500 litre oxygen plant to be set up at the hospital

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As per multiple predictions, it is expected that children will be the most vulnerable to the infection during the third wave. Alarmed by this, multiple interventions are being worked out and the 200 beds at the hospital, will be functional soon. Further, the other 600 units have also been reserved for emergency needs. Notably, all beds are linked to a central oxygen supply system and it has been informed that JK Lone Hospital will have an oxygen plant with a 1500 litre capacity.

Facilities to come up in Sethi Colony & Gangaur Hospital if need be

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According to the Chief Minister, the services for COVID patients will not alter the 200- bed NICU unit. Here, the treatment of the kids will be conducted in alignment with the norms of the present day. Further, if a dearth of beds is observed, then supplemental facilities will be set up in Sethi Colony and Gangaur Hospital. While the CM asked officials to finish the assigned tasks within the stipulated time, he stressed that the quality of work must not be compromised.

Additionally, the CM was happy with the cleanliness and sanitation conditions of the hospital. He has instructed the authorities to make sure that the situation is maintained. SMS Medical College Principal, Dr. Sudhir Bhandari, JK Lone Hospital superintendent Dr. Arvind Shukla, Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr. Narottam Sharma and other senior doctors interacted with the CM during his visit.

- With inputs from IANS

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