
Beer to get cheaper in Jaipur & other districts of Rajasthan, April 1 onwards

Ankur Verma

With the announcement of the state excise policy for 2021-22, the Rajasthan Government has brought some exciting news for booze lovers in the state. According to the latest policy, beer would be available across Rajasthan at reduced prices from April 1. Given the slated cuts in the additional excise duty and maximum retail price, beer rates would drop down by around ₹30-35.

Move to prevent illegal alcohol business in the state

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Additionally, the government has decided to remove the COVID surcharge on all excise products with some exceptions. The surcharge shall continue to be levied on Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) and bottled-in-origin (BIO) or imported liquor. Also, as per the announcement, the government has removed any special costs on IMFL and beer.

With the recent tweaks brought in the excise policy, the state administration has resolved that the liquor shops would be available for auction online and the current lottery system shall be done away with. Representatives from the government informed that the latest order attempts to ban the illegal business of alcohol from the surrounding states of Delhi and Haryana. This intervention will help the state in getting rid of its liquor mafia.

10% reduction in license fee for liquor shops

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In alignment with the new rules, a single retailer can have only up to 5 shops in the state and not more than 2 in a district. Currently, Rajasthan has 7,665 retail centres for liquor including country liquor shops and the total number of shops in the state would remain the same. Given the current rates of excise duty, the government aims to earn ₹13,000 crores in terms of revenues in the upcoming financial year.

Owners of license for alcohol retail can now establish small scale plants or micro-brewery to produce fresh beer. Boosting the liquor business in the state, the government has ordered a reduction in license fees for exclusive liquor shops by 10% while the hotel and restaurant license charges shall be kept the same. With this multifaceted plan of the Rajasthan Government, the liqour industry in the state will soon be revamped.

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