
Colleges in Jaipur & other districts of Rajasthan denied permission for reopening amid Covid-19

Devansh Saxena

The permission for reopening of degree colleges has been denied by the state higher education department due to the concerns over rising covid-19 cases in the Pink City. Earlier, UGC had granted permission for reopening of colleges from November 17, provided they get approval from their respective state governments.

Authorities are hopeful for a restart

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In normal circumstances, the academic session ends in the month of March but the department is hopeful for a green signal from the health authorities to start the session in December. They are planning to run the session till August with exams in June and July, to make up for the lost classes and it will also give the pupils enough time to get a hold of their studies.

Challenges and online education

The authorities highlighted the fact that they are providing access to online education but are facing problems in rural areas with weak network. On the aspect of reopening of schools for classes X and XII, the decision is yet to be taken. Colleges will be informed in advance about the decision, as the main cause of concern is the impact of reopening of degree colleges amid the climbing number of covid-19 cases in the city. Talking about other states, colleges in Karnataka opened with all the precautions and safety measures. Schools and colleges need to take precautions and practice social distancing to fight the pandemic.

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