
Free of cost ambulance services to aid COVID patients in Jaipur & other Rajasthan districts!

Ankur Verma

Assuring relief for COVID patients in the state, the Rajasthan administration declared on Tuesday that free ambulance services will be provided for all such individuals seeking hospital admission. According to the issued directives, 108 and 104 ambulance facilities will be available without any fee at the district level war rooms. These services will help in ferrying patients to the Covid Consultation Centres, Covid Care Centres set up at the subdivision level and dedicated COVID hospitals.

CM Helpline number to resolve all problems of patients within 30 minutes!

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These services shall aid in shuttling the patients during the need of hospitalisation, referral to other centres and at the time of discharge. It is strictly stated that patients requiring urgent hospitalisation will not be denied entry and admission under any circumstances. Through these regulations, it will be ensured that no unforeseen situation takes place due to an avoidable lag.

Additionally, the authorities of the Department of Medical, Health and Family Welfare affirmed that all issues being recorded on Chief Minister's Helpline number 181 will have to be settled within 30 minutes. These decisions were taken on Tuesday after the Rajasthan CM instructed the officials to probe the areas marked with shortcomings and take the required steps.

Updated records of the available medical facilities to be maintained

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It has been ordered that all COVID-related queries and complaints will be registered via a single telephone number in the state. After quick resolution of all problems raised by the patients, they will be provided with the required medication and advice. Further, a dynamic check on the count of vacant hospital beds, stock of oxygen and availability of ventilators will be maintained and the patients will be informed accordingly.

Home quarantined patients have been asked to seek consultation about the needed drugs and hospital admission by getting in touch with the district war rooms through the helpline number. Once the concerns are received at the war room via a WhatsApp message, the officials will make sure that they are answered within half an hour.

Surging COVID cases in Jaipur take active tallies closer to the 50K mark!

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With 3,613 fresh COVID cases registered on Tuesday, the COVID curve in Jaipur sloped higher. Despite a high count of recoveries noticed in the past week, the active tallies have been significantly large due to a consistently higher count of new infections. While 2,751 recoveries were marked on Tuesday, 57 individuals lost their battle against the COVID virus on the same day.

-With inputs from IANS

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