
Golfer Khushi Khanijau makes Jaipur proud!

Ankur Verma

All set to mark her entry in Hero Women's Pro Golf Tour, Jaipur Player Khushi Khanijau has brought laurels to the state and her family. Conducted under the leadership of the Women's Golf Association of India, this tour has selected a number of top golf players who will take part in a string of games. Daughter of a golf coach and a businessman of pharmaceutical products, Khushi is brimming with aspirations of a bright future!

Placed amid 10 in the prestigious Hero Order of Merit list

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During her amateur and latest matches, the young girl had a journey of triumphs making it to the top 10 amongst the coveted Hero Order of Merit. Though WGAI allows just 10 girls from the order of merit in Hero Women's India Open, Khushi carved her way to success, securing a spot in the tournament. With her achievements, Khushi has definitely propelled the prospects of scripting her name among the top players of the game. It is remarkable that Khushi missed the top spot in the pro circuit during her rookie year just by small margins and finished being the runners-up.

Her tryst with the sport of golf has been supported by her father and he thinks that girl would garner greater accomplishments in the future. Reportedly, Khushi has succeeded in Army Ladies & Junior Girls Championship 2017, Albatross Junior Golf Tournament 2017, IGU Western India Ladies & Junior Championship 2017 amongst a list of multiple events.

Knock Knock

While we often hail women empowerment as one of the prime goals for equal and all-round progress, we seldom recognise its multidimensional nature. Despite the changing attitudes of society, we still don't see a justified representation of women in the field of sports. In such a scenario, girls like Khushi not just add feathers to their caps but also become sources of inspiration for others with similar dreams.

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