
Now bike ambulances to deliver medicines to COVID-19 patients in Jaipur

Shafaq Azmi Nomani

In a bid to provide relief to those in home quaranatine in Jaipur, a new service has been rolled out by the health authorities in the city. Amid the rising threat of infection outside, bike ambulances will ensure that the medicines reach the citizens in quarantine, right in time. All one has to do is dial 108, to avail of this service, wherein one can get medicines delivered at home.

Services to be provided by bike ambulances

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The State government has been working on ensuring the accessibility of critical healthcare services to patients. In testing times like these, the Health Department has come up with a brilliant initiative to aid the COVID patients recovering at home. The initiative will not just make things easier for infected patients, but will also ensure that those recovering, stay inside the vicinity of their houses and help in curbing further spread of the virus.

In a move, that is being lauded across the city, as many as 25 bike ambulances have been set up police station-wise to deliver medicines at home to Covid patients in Jaipur. The unique service can be availed by home isolated patients by just calling ‘108’ to get medicines delivered right at their doorsteps.

Bike ambulance services to the rescue!

The much-hailed move of Rajasthan Govt, is not the first, as bike ambulance services had proved their efficiency in earlier times as well. In 2019, Delhi Government had launched bike ambulance services to provide first aid medical emergencies at home before the arrival of regular ambulances. The service was discontinued in 2020. In 2021, DRDO and CRPF also launched a bike service called 'Rakshita', for the security forces in Naxal affected areas. The service was specially useful in that region due to the presence of narrow roads where ambulances couldn't reach.

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