
Jaipur Hospital sets up a dedicated ward for treating 'Black Fungus' patients

Ankur Verma

In times when the horrors unleashed by the pandemic show no signs of retiring anytime soon, the fear of successive 'Black Fungus' infection has also amplified the state of turmoil across the country. In view of this, a dedicated ward for such patients has been established in Jaipuria Hospital of Rajasthan University for Health Sciences. Therein, a panel of expert doctors from various departments is helping in the diagnosis and cure of affected patients.

Experts from RUHS & SMS Medical College to aid investigation

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Reportedly, the ENT Surgeon at the hospital is looking after the three patients receiving treatment for the black fungus or Mucormycosis. Now, the officials want ENT experts from RUHS and SMS Medical College to help in the investigation of disease progress and course. Reports state that laparoscopy and biopsy techniques are being deployed to detect the condition and the diagnostic process gets completed within an hour. Further, the authorities are trying to accumulate resources so that interventions like surgery can be quickly executed when the need arises.

Mucormycosis or Black Fungus infection

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Mucormycosis or black fungus infection affects the sinuses, lungs and brain and is usually found in 1 among 8 lakh people. In post-COVID patients, the frequency of the disease has increased alarmingly and it is also leading to fatal consequences. Caused by environmental pathogens, this disease mostly affects people with diabetes or severely compromised immune systems. Patients who have been administered steroids for a long term are also prone to this infection.

Spreading through the eyes and nose, the disease can lead to detrimental effects on skin and bones. Headache, red eyes, obstructed vision, blue colouration over the nose and nasal congestion are some of the common symptoms, amongst others. One of the important points to assure recovery for patients of this infection is the diagnosis at an early stage. As per reports, 2,500 vials of the anti-fungal drugs have been ordered in Rajasthan to fight black fungus.

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