
Rajasthan Govt grants permission for Elephant rides at Jaipur's Amer Fort & Hathi Gaon

Devansh Saxena

Rajasthan government has taken a decision to allow elephant rides in Jaipur's Amer Fort and Hathi Gaon from November 25. Earlier, a ban on elephant rides was implemented on March 18, making it really tough for mahouts to earn their livelihood in the eight-month-long lockdown. The business witnessed a downfall since the foreign tourists vanished during the period and the Indian tourists visiting the city, also reduced in number.

8,000 families are dependent on 90 elephants

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The condition of mahouts was miserable after the prohibition on elephant rides was imposed in the state, in the wake of the pandemic. Around 8,000 families in Hathi Gaon and adjacent areas are dependent on 90 elephants for the survival of this business. Mahouts, caretakers, farmers who provide fodder for elephants and tourist guides have been deeply impacted by the ban on elephant rides due to COVID-19 restrictions. The maintenance cost of an elephant is approximately ₹3000- ₹3500 per day.

Knock Knock

The nationwide lockdown brought the tourism of Rajasthan to a standstill and this ban has had a major impact on many families in Jaipur and near by areas. Elephant rides have always been one of the most attractive features of the Amer Fort tour. The decision will definitely bring smile on the faces of mahouts and other people, who are dependent on elephants for their daily bread and will boost the tourism of Rajasthan.

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