
Rajasthan passes bill to make masks mandatory in public spaces, fine on offenders yet to be fixed

Muskaan Tekwani

The Rajasthan government has passed a bill that makes the use of face masks compulsory in the state, in order to arrest the rapid spread of coronavirus. This new guideline has been introduced by law, as several health experts across the world have pointed out to the efficiency of face masks in controlling the transmission of the virus, preventing loss of life due to the pandemic. However, this bill does not specify the penalties or punishments over contempt.

Rajasthan imposes wearing face masks as law

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The Rajasthan Epidemic Diseases (Amendment) Bill, 2020 was enacted by the state assembly by a voice vote this year in August to control the imminent spread of the infection of coronavirus. The state has the power to specify temporary regulations and orders that are to be observed by the state under Section 4 of the Bill.

Sanctioning this liberty, the state has prohibited the "movement of any person in public place, public transport, private transport, workplace or at any social, political, general function or gathering without properly covering his mouth and nose with face mask or face cover."

Masks are equivalent to anti-COVID vaccine

Researchers from Duke University have further clarified that well-fitted valve-less N-95 masks, triple-layered surgical and double pleated cotton masks are effective in stopping the spread of the virus through close contact.

Breaking myths about face masks, a new study has further confirmed that wearing masks does not lower the oxygen levels, or weaken the immune system by carbon dioxide intoxication or hypoxia. Further, the Chief Minister of the Rajasthan said in a statement that masks are the anti-COVID vaccine. He also mentioned that although most people find it uncomfortable to wear masks for longer hours, they must be treated like a precaution and not an accessory.

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