
Schools & colleges in Rajasthan to operate at 100% capacity from November 15

Ayesha Khan

In view of the dwindling COVID cases in the state, the government of Rajasthan has issued new guidelines to ease the existing pandemic-induced restrictions. As per the orders issued by the authority, government and private educational institutes can function at 100% capacity from November 15. Read on to know more about the latest guidelines.

Gatherings permitted at public places now

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Apart from allowing schools, colleges and coaching centres to operate at their pre-COVID capacity, the authority has also lifted the restrain on the number of guests that can attend wedding ceremonies or other functions now. Notably, only 200 people were allowed to attend wedding functions earlier. With the new guideline in effect, all the academic staff and non-educational staff will be able to come back to the institutes. Moreover, other functions and gatherings including political, sports, entertainment, cultural, religious gatherings and festival celebrations, among others are allowed at public places now, reads the order.

Masks, sanitisation & social distancing still compulsory for all

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While the state is witnessing a steady decline in fresh COVID cases, 4 new cases were detected in Rajasthan on Monday taking the active count to 42 cases, as of now. Even though there is a downfall in the case count, the pandemic is still not over yet which is why the order highlights the need to ensure that the general public adheres to COVID-appropriate behaviour. Apart from following the rigorous 'testing, tracking, treating and tracing' routine, the authority is focusing on the vaccination drives to trap and tackle the spread of this deadly virus. Meanwhile, masks, social distancing and sanitisation are still compulsory for all.

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