
The Parallel Literature Festival in Jaipur is where the literati of the city are hopping to!

Rishabh Pachory

Those of you who just can't get enough of literature festivals are in for a treat. With the essence of Jaipur Literature Festival still in the air, book worms in town are still in a literary hangover. Now, you can extend that spirit because there's another cool new literature festival coming to town- the Parallel Literature Festival.

This three-day literature festival has come as a jolt to us because we're still under the spell of the magnificent JLF. Where the JLF was a platform for international authors and topics, the Parallel Literature Festival is all about celebrating Indian authors (of almost all Indian languages), debating on socio-political issues and getting to know the country through someone else's eyes.

What's happening?

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For the third time, the much awaited Parallel Literature Festival is coming to Jaipur this February. Spanning across three days, this literature festival surely has a lot to offer visitors. Like every literature festival, this one also packs in a whole bunch of fun-filled activities, seminars, talks and debates to partake in, among many other things.

The main draw of the literature fest comes from the speakers, thinkers and authors, who take the stage to express their opinions on pressing social issues, talking about the hidden layer of meanings in their books and a variety of other topics that make the mind gears churn.

This time, it's all about the Indian essence. You've got revolutionary Indian authors and intellectuals, all of whom will leave a lasting impression on you. These are the folks, that are changing the game and listening to them is the stuff of legends.

Apart from the literary side, the festival is full of many colloquial, ethnic and international cuisines as well, paired with some great soft and calming music for livening up the spirit of the event. Workshops and interactive events such as blogging competitions and essay writing competitions are also organised, so if you're a budding writer, it is time to fight away the writers' block and put on your thinking caps.

Knock Knock

The Parallel Literature Festival is one event that transcends the boundaries of what a conventional literature festival is. It packs in a lot more in its spirit and showcases the culture, food, music and heritage of India as a whole.

When: February 21 to 23, 2020

Where: Shilpgram in Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur

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