
An icon of the Indian freedom struggle, the tale of Kanpur's Boodha Bargad still lives on

Muskaan Tekwani

While Kanpur has essayed a pivotal role in India's struggle for freedom, the tale of Boodha Bargad, is a symbol of sacrifice and patriotism, that testifies to the nation's hunger for independence. While this old banyan tree is no longer alive, its roots still linger on the past and reveal one of the goriest tales that lives on in the city even today.

The significance of Boodha Bargad

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Located at the Nana Rao Park in Kanpur, the legend of this tree is shrouded with the hanging of 144 Indian freedom fighters during the key period of the freedom struggle. According to the tale, freedom fighters across the region met at the Boodha Bargad tree at Nana Rao Park, to strategise their plan of action in the British combat and thus, in a twisted irony, this is exactly the spot where these men were lined up for capital punishment.

This announced the wrath of the British and their might to crush any movement for freedom from its very root. However, the incident only winged the spark among the fighters, who geared up and brewed other attempts to bring the colonisers down.

Just like the incident, the tree succumbed to death and with it, withered the valour of several freedom fighters. What remains here now, is a Shaheed Sthal Memorial, which immortalises the patriotism of those who served their life for the nation.

Though the government of Uttar Pradesh did lay a barricade to protect Boodha Bargad, the remains of a little stump now mark its once majestic sprawl. With time, the martyrs' memorial has also been reduced to a sleeping spot by the anti-social elements of the society.

Knock Knock

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A small offshoot of the old tree is currently being preserved here with the help of the Indian National Trust of Art Culture and Heritage at present. These efforts are expected to revive not only the iconic tree but also instil the spirit of being rooted in our unified identity.

The Nana Roa Park in Kanpur is centred at the Mall Road, near the LIC building. Visitors can take a taxi, auto-rickshaw or a private vehicle to reach here.

Timings: 5:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Entry Fee: ₹20

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