
Kanpur's 2nd Holi Ganga Mela celebrates a tradition of 79 years!

Ankur Verma

A striking symbol of Kanpur's rich history and cultural heritage, Ganga Mela was celebrated in Kanpur on Friday. Keeping alive a tradition of 79 years, this fair on the banks of River Ganga is a celebration of colours and community love. With a range of innovative stalls set up by social and cultural groups and associations in Kanpur during the evening fest, Ganga Mela also carries interesting linkages to India's struggle for independence.

Observed for the 1st me in 1942 as a sign of rebellion against the British

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The story behind Ganga Mela is as fascinating as the fair itself. According to locals, Kanpur residents played with colours and unfurled the tricolour to mark their freedom back in 1942 despite the curb imposed by the British on Holi. Since then, this festival is celebrated each year in memory of this historic event. Amid patriotic songs and joyous celebrations, a buffalo cart tours through the major spots in the city on this day. As per reports, the procession passed through Nayaganj, Generalganj, Kahu Kothi, Birhana Road amongst other places, this year.

An example diverse culture, communal harmony & brotherhood

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With participation from members of diverse social and religious sections, this festival is an example of communal harmony and unity. As a part of the the fest, holi special delicacies are offered to the attendees and flower petals are showered upon them. In the evening, Sarsaiyya Ghat in Kanpur becomes a bustling hub of locals and visitors, and turns into a meet and greet event for the auspicious occasion of Holi.

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