
Sero survey begins in Kanpur to gauge the levels of immunity developed against the virus

Ankur Verma

In an attempt to analyse the general levels of immunity developed against the viral contagion, a sero survey was initiated in Kanpur on Wednesday. As per reports, a total of 264 samples were collected from 11 spots across the city on the first day of the exercise and now, they will be examined at the King George Medical University in Lucknow. Depending upon the presence of antibodies in these samples, the officials will try to guage an approximate level of immunity amongst the city folks.

Samples to be collected from 31 locations in the city

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Citizens across the state were troubled by the first and second waves of accelerated infections. During the second wave, the contagion enveloped a large chunk of the city population and it is anticipated that a number of asymptomatic positive cases might have gone undetected. In addition to this, it has been nearly 5 months since the vaccination drives started in Uttar Pradesh, together with the national launch.

Keeping these things in mind, the authorities in Kanpur decided to conduct a sero surevey which will help in a better understanding of the present circumstances. It has been stated that the project will help in the determination of the general levels of resistance amongst the citizens, to fight the virus. As per reports, the plan will be implemented across 31 locations in the city, which includes 20 urban and 11 rural spots.

7 rural spots covered on the first day of the project

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Reports state that the samples were collected from Cantonment, Geeta Nagar, Sarvodaya Nagar and KPM Hospital within the urban limits, on the first day implementation. Apart from this, the exercise was executed at 7 spots in the rural regions. After the results are of the analysis are clear, the authorities will be better equipped to formulate plans and policies for the future.

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