
Kanpur's newest attraction is the upcoming Ganga riverfront project

Rishabh Pachory

Soon, Kanpur's cityscape, rather the riverside area of the cityscape will get an all new major attraction for tourists and residents alike. This addition will be none other than an upcoming riverfront area, which will give you a stunning visual of the mighty Ganges river.

The Ganges river is one of the main tourist attractions of the city and with the help of the upcoming riverfront project, not only will it add to the charm of the city, but will also provide Kanpurites another new spot to marvel at the beauty of their city. The Ganga riverfront in Kanpur will take inspiration from existing riverfronts in cities such as Lucknow and Ahmedabad

There's a new beauty spot coming up in Kanpur

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Kanpur city will soon have a magnificent riverfront along the Ganges.Kanpur riverfront development is a part of an overall scheme for rehabilitation of river Ganga and the Ganga riverfront. The area being designed as the riverfront is the genesis of Kanpur and is a historical site where the city grew out of.

Prior to this, there were very few, well developed areas that would allow you to sit on the banks of the Ganges river. With the addition of the riverfront, Kanpurites will have one more place to hang out with their friends and experience the city in a new light.

The goal is to seamlessly implement the Ganges riverfront bank into the existing cityscape of Kanpur, which will add to the aura of the city. When it comes to tourist spots, and other points of interests in the city, there are quite a few places that come to mind, but the addition of the riverfront will lend a whole new aesthetic to the city.

Knock Knock

All in all, the riverfront is being developed as a major tourist spot complete with landscaping of greens, plantations and more. However, another goal of the riverfront is to ensure the preservation of the Ganges river, which is in many ways the heart and soul of Kanpur city.

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