
Kanpur's upcoming Textile Park to boost industry & employment in the city

Ankur Verma

Bringing joy to entrepreneurs and industrialists in the cloth business in Kanpur, the Uttar Pradesh government has planned to set up a textile park in Kanpur. As per reports, the proposals for the establishment of this park with advanced technologies have been sent to the central government. It is expected that the plant would increase the production of hosiery, readymade and other clothing material.

Textile park to boost Knapur's cloth industry

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The textile park with multiple centres is sure to become a hub of employment opportunities. Additionally, it would facilitate the businessman get better quality materials and produce in the city itself instead of depending on imports from other cities. Kanpur boasts of having a flourishing textile industry of readymade products across different centres in Karnalganj, Humraj Complex, Penchbagh, Baikanganj, Chamanjganj amongst other regions.

The new textile park is said to come with a capacity of providing direct and indirect employment opportunities to more than 1 lakh individuals in this sector. According to reports, Kanpur's annual textile business of readymade clothing aggregates to nearly 2 thousand crores.

Though Kanpur houses a big industry for hosiery based clothing materials, 80% of the products are sourced from Kolkata, Tripura and other regions due to lags in technology in the city. Produced and sold at multiple locations in the city, Panki, Dadanagar, Darshanpurva are some of the most prominent locations for hosiery products. This sector ushers in a yearly revenue of approximately 3 thousand crores.

A established market for the products to be developed in the textile park

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The largest wholesale market for clothing material in Uttar Pradesh is housed in Jarnalganj in Kapur. According to reports, the city has 100 units for knitting and processing each in addition to 1500 centres for stitching and another 300 for cutting. Given the large scale of the textile industry in the state, the products developed at the textile park would easily get a big platform for their sale in the city before being exported to other regions.

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