
Students' entrepreneurship policy at IIT Kanpur to fuel the growth of novel & innovative ideas!

Ankur Verma

In an attempt to propel new and innovative ideas, the academic council at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur sanctioned an extensive students entrepreneurship policy on Thursday. Under this program, the inception of "innovation and entrepreneurship credit" will permit pupils to undertake entrepreneurial projects as a part of the usual curriculum. Reportedly, third-year UG and PG students will be able to achieve academic credits with these projects once their minimum course work is finished.

Semester leaves to be provided for pursuing entrepreneurial projects

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Fueling creativity amongst the students, the latest scheme will drive the development of inventive ideas and solutions. Reportedly, students will also be allowed to take semester leaves if they wish to focus more on their ideas. They will be supported by the facilities available on campus and external help shall also be provided. The new policy will push ingenuity and problem-solving mindsets amid the pupils without compromising on the teaching objectives and the academic aims.

A step towards boosting out-of-the-box thinkings amongst pupils

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Reportedly, the director of the institute, Prof. Abhay Karandikar mentioned that this scheme will help the students to transition from passive learners to innovators. Additionally, IIT-K has already incorporated the suggestions of the National Innovation and Start-up Policy for Students and Faculty 2019. Further, the provisions of the National Education Policy are also being introduced in order to strengthen the academic infrastructure.

Now, the comprehensive program will inspire entrepreneurship among undergraduate and post-graduate students, motivating them for out-of-the-box thinking. If the objectives of the plan turn into reality, it will help the nation to move further on the path of its entrepreneurial aspirations.

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