
Sundeep Sharma's upcoming comedy special in Kanpur, is the kind of therapy we need

Rishabh Pachory

Kanpurites, listen up! Are you guys ready to laugh away the sadness from your life? Are the weekday work blues making it hard for you to smile? If your answer happens to be yes, then get ready for Before and After 2.0, which is a very special comedy show by Sundeep Sharma!

What's Before and After 2.0? Well, simply put, it is a really awesome comedy show by Sundeep Sharma that's coming to Kanpur very soon, to make us laugh, smile and leave the troubles of day-to day life behind. So, for a much needed break from your hectic lifestyle, this is where you've got to be.

What's happening?

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Before and After 2.0 is going to be a series of jokes that have no themes, but are just there! Sundeep Sharma is pushing the boundaries of what a conventional comedy show can be and is changing the game altogether. Those of you who enjoy a good gag are in for a treat here.

With no theme to follow, the man behind the magic, Sundeep Sharma is free to express himself any way he wants, and one thing is for certain- it will have you rolling on the floor in no time. This also makes the show rather unpredictable, so you don't really know what you're getting- except for laughs, of course.

The randomness of it all just captivates you and you're really eager to know what he's going to throw at you next. It's a comparison of what was before and what is now. We suggest that you go there without any expectations and just take the comedy show as it comes. His jokes, quips and catchy one liners are all rather ROFL worthy, so brace yourself for bouts of laughter.

Knock Knock

Full of wit and panache, his quirky, jagged style of presentation is what makes him stand out from the crowd. With his jokes, he's certainly got us smiling and we're not going to pass an opportunity to watch him live in action here in Kanpur.

When: 29th February

Where: Offline Cafe 2.0

Book your tickets here.

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