Highest single-day recovery recorded in Goa on Monday

Highest single-day recovery recorded in Goa on Monday

Case rise in Goa was restricted to 1,562 fresh infections on Monday.
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In a significant victory against the growing coronavirus infection in Goa, the state recorded its sharpest-ever, single-day recovery tally on Monday. Around 4,008 people recovered from COVID-19 blues in the coastal state, way higher than the number of fresh infections. Case rise in Goa was restricted to around 1,562 new infections on Monday.

Increased COVID recovery brings relief for Goa

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After the continuous onslaught of COVID-19 in Goa, the state recorded a much-welcomed respite on Monday as the recovery scale surged to its highest, since the outbreak of the pandemic last year. As per reports, the overall recuperation rate stands at a steady 79.7% here. This remarkable boost in the recovery ratio has effectively helped the state to cut down on the active caseload as well. The caseload dipped by a drastic 2,499 cases here on Monday.

Presently, Goa is nursing around 25,753 active cases out of the total 1,37,418 reported here. This slight control over the pandemic situation has been reportedly attributed to increased hospitalization. Figures suggest that admission in hospitals raised directly due to the increased positivity rate. In the last two weeks, Goa has recorded a 40%-45% test positivity rate on most days.

Fresh cases in Goa have started to dip since the last week, adding to the respite. Besides this, the state has also gained control over the admission protocol of private hospitals. This suggests that COVID-19 patients in Goa will have easy access to affordable medical aid. A further rise in the recovery ratios can be expected in the coming days.

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