With books, brews & baked goodies, liven up your work life here at Indore's The Eyry!

With books, brews & baked goodies, liven up your work life here at Indore's The Eyry!

Want to watch a live match on a projector screen with scrumptious food and friends? Flock to The Eyry!
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Looking for a home away from home? Well, when in Indore, thankfully, you don't have to travel too far to enjoy this feeling! An all-in-one package, The Eyry is providing its diners with the comfort of home, good food and good music, while following all the covid safety protocols. The place truly believes that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and resolves this with its quirky coworking space, where you can also hang-out with your loved ones for a healthy dose of chatter over books, stand-up, coffee, sugary delights and more!

"My place, my eyry"

Homecomings, whether returning from a leisure trip or work trip, are always special but thanks to the pandemic, our relationships with our homes have changed! The familiarity that once gave us a sense of belonging, has now awakened a spirit of exploring strange places, just for a change of scenery. Supplementing this changed attitude of diners, The Eyry has come up with a restaurant-cum-coworking space in Indore.

Serving a variety of cuisines- Continental, Italian, Mexican, Chinese and North Indian- The Eyry has become a hub for foodies who wish to enjoy free WiFi as they report to their 9-5 job hours. Other than an in-house library, this all-day diner also has an artisanal bakery that serves a delightful assortment of desserts. Further, in an attempt to engage with the visitors, The Eyry also conducts several programmes, such as guitar and dance lessons, open mic, stand-up shows, boxing classes and more!

Knock Knock

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True to its name, The Eyry is a lofty nest attracting crowds who wish to experience a homely experience away from home! So, when are you flying to this place with your loved ones?

Average Cost for Two: ₹1200

Opening Hours: 10.30 AM to 12 AM

Location: GF Narayan Kothi

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