
2 oxygen plants to be set up in Goa in a bid to alleviate the state's LMO crisis!

Ankur Verma

After a dire shortage of oxygen was witnessed in Goa, the state Health Minister apprised the citizens that two oxygen plants will be established in the territory. Further, the Chief Minister has himself taken the charge of oxygen management, to ensure a continuous supply of this medical necessity for COVID patients in the state. On Monday, 2,703 fresh cases were registered in Goa while 152 lives have been lost to the virus, in the past three days.

A step towards amplified resources for COVID patients

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Speaking about the upcoming developments, the Health Minister asserted, "Two oxygen plants have been sanctioned under PM CARES. We are in the process of getting them commissioned. If we start oxygen plants, we will be able to look after the future. No one had imagined that such an oxygen requirement would be faced nationwide or would be confronted by such a pandemic." He added that the CM has taken over the department of oxygen management to prevent all lags in communication.

Amid the unsettling circumstances of the present times, it is essential for the state government to take quick and proactive steps to fix problems as soon as possible. If the establishment envisions to tackle the crisis, it has to be on foot for working out large scale interventions.

Surging COVID tallies in Goa call for augmented measures!

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While a manageable count of infections was witnessed in Goa since the start of the pandemic, the logs took a precarious turn in April 2021. Now, the state stands overburdened with a worrisome figure of 25,839 active patients. Further, the progressive tally has marked a gigantic spike of nearly 70% after the end of March. If normalcy needs to be restored, there is an urgent requirement for streamlined initiatives by the state and local level administrations.

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