
Citizens from THESE categories in 18-44 age group to be inoculated on priority in Goa

Ankur Verma

In a move to streamline the vaccination program in the state, the Goa government has announced that the vulnerable groups will be inoculated on priority. As a part of this scheme, the state administration declared certain categories of individuals in the 18-44 age interval, as priority groups for vaccination, on Wednesday. This includes lactating mothers, parents of a child under two years, differently-abled individuals, auto-rickshaw and taxi drivers, seafarers and citizens dealing with comorbidities.

State's attempt to boost vaccination amongst the youths

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"Vaccination of the state-approved priority groups in the 18-44 age bracket will begin from Thursday at 83 government-approved centres, including 39 permanent Covid vaccination centres and 44 new centres all over Goa," read an official statement. Previously, the vaccination drives in Goa have witnessed lags due to the hesitance of the citizens in the 45+ category. Some reports have stated that Goa has a surplus of vaccines because the footfalls have been consistently low in the past schedules.

Besides, the state government has also worked on a string of interventions to boost immunisation and spread awareness about it. Recently, Tika Utsav 2.0 was organised in Goa, with an objective to augment the scope of inoculation, expanding it across the rural pockets and far-flung areas. With the latest directives for priority immunisation, the state further attempts to accelerate drives for vulnerable people.

Active tallies contract in Goa with 706 new cases on Wednesday

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Though the case tallies have dipped down in Goa, the count of new infections still remains to be on the higher side. With 706 new infections and 1,711 recoveries recorded on Wednesday, the tally of active cases contracted to 10,840 patients. As of now, a cumulative count of 1,57,275 individuals have been affected by the virus in the state and the deadly contagion has engulfed a total of 2,693 lives.

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