
A hotspot of avian beauties amid flourishing flora, Goa's Carambolim Lake is a birder's haven!

Ankur Verma

While the beauty of Goan beaches along the boundaries of the Arabian Sea bewitches us all, we sometimes crave a calm experience away from the cramped spaces. Assuring a blissful remedy to your heart's choicest desires is Carambolim Lake, located 2-km south-east of Old Goa in Tiswadi District. Encircled by the lush green fields on all sides, the lake welcomes hordes of migratory and water birds, becoming an alluring hub of attractions for all birdwatchers!

A hub of mystical migratory and water birds!

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Originally developed for providing irrigation facilities to the surrounding areas, this freshwater lake has now evolved as a spot of ultimate rejuvenation. Nestled between the best of the state's flora, the lake is flocked by a variety of avian beauties including waterfowls, jacanas, egrets, moorhens, herons, pintails, open-billed storks, lesser whistling teals, shovelers, garganeys and coots, which would surely leave you awe-struck! Amidst a spectacular collective of paddy fields, trees and woodland, the lake truly accounts for an unmissable location while in Goa.

Apart from being a haven for birds, the area surrounding Carambolim Lake also encapsulates an archaic church built in the year 1714. In addition to this, the ancient chapel, with its interesting history, will definitely leave you spellbound!

Chalking your way to Carambolim

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Easily accessible from mainland Goa, you can plan a comfortable journey to Carambolim Lake from most of Goa's towns and districts. Situated at a distance of 1.9 Km from the Karmali Railway Station, this lake is one of the few spots that offer an itinerary that can be easily integrated with train travel. If you are somebody touring through the streets of Panaji, find the right bus and you will be transported to this picturesque place, right away!

Knock Knock

If you are on the lookout for moments that lure you away from the lavish experiences of modern life, this lake makes for a perfect visit. Be it a family trip or an offbeat outing with your gang of mates, you are bound for one unforgettable day at this location!

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