Knocksense Shorts | Early heatwave grips Maharashtra; Mumbai braces for sweltering summers

Knocksense Shorts | Early heatwave grips Maharashtra; Mumbai braces for sweltering summers

IMD forecasts above-normal temperatures until May.
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As Maharashtra grapples with an unseasonal early heatwave leading to surge in heatstroke cases, concerns have escalated over public health. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has reported temperatures soaring to unprecedented levels, with regions like Marathwada, Vidarbha, and Madhya Maharashtra experiencing scorching conditions.

Mumbai, in particular, is currently facing rising temperatures, with the IMD forecasting a high of 32°C and a low of 25°C for the next 24 hours. Clear skies intensify the sun's impact, hinting at a challenging summer ahead. The IMD predicts above-normal temperatures across the country until May, with warm nights expected in Central Maharashtra and Marathwada, and temperatures surpassing 40°C in Vidarbha.

Recent IMD data highlights several districts, including Pune, Nashik, Solapur, and Akola, surpassing the 40°C mark, exacerbating concerns. Despite sporadic weekend rains, Maharashtra anticipates no substantial relief, exacerbating severe rainfall deficits. The heatwave's breadth is expanding, encompassing multiple subdivisions, underscoring the urgency of preparedness measures for a relentless summer onslaught.

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